Alberto Tibaldi

PD04–Towards an efficient simulation framework for plasmonic organic hybrid E/O modulators

Tibaldi A., Ghomashi M., Bertazzi F., Vallone M., Goano M., Ghione G.

Due to the large computational resources required, with CPU times of the order of several days, full-wave optical simulators can be hardly exploited for the modeling and optimization of plasmonic organic hybrid electro/optic modulators. With the aim to drastically reduce such complexity, in this work we present a divide-et-impera strategy reducing the number of FDTD […]

LD04–Modeling Tunnel Junctions for VCSELs: A Self-Consistent NEGF-DD Approach

Tibaldi A., Gullino A., Gonzalez Montoya J., Alasio M. G. C., Larsson A., Debernardi P., Goano M., Vallone M., Ghione G., Bellotti E., Bertazzi F.

In this work we investigate carrier transport in tunnel junctions for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers by a novel self-consistent simulation framework for semiconductor quantum devices. Based on a Poisson-drift-diffusion foundation, in this approach quantum features are described through a nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism. The simulator is validated through a comparison with experimental results.