SC06–Electrical modeling of heterojunction silicon solar cells including Indium-Tin-Oxide layers

Balent J., Krc J., Topic M.

In this contribution we performed opto-electrical simulations of heterojunction silicon (HJ Si) solar cell with Indium-Tin-Oxide layers included in simulations as front and rear contacts. Two-dimensional numerical simulations using Sentaurus TCAD software were carried out. We studied the effect of defect state density in p- and n-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon layers on device performance. Rigorous […]

N05–Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain

Vyshnevyy A. A., Fedyanin D. Yu.

We propose to pump active plasmonic devices, such as plasmonic amplifiers, lossless plasmonic waveguides and nanolasers, simultaneously electrically and optically (hybrid pumping). We show that such a pumping method results not only in a higher modal gain but also in an improved control over the spatial profile of optical gain in the device, which allows […]

NM02–Electronic structure of lonsdaleite SiGe alloys

Broderick C. A.

Conventional diamond-structured silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) possess indirect fundamental band gaps, limiting their potential for applications in light-emitting devices. However, SixGe1-x alloys grown in the lonsdaleite (“hexagonal diamond”) phase have recently emerged as a promising direct gap, Si-compatible material system, with experimental measurements demonstrating strong room temperature photoluminescence. When grown in the lonsdaleite phase, […]

MM01–Green’s function integral equation methods for modeling of optical devices

Søndergaard T.

Green’s function integral equation methods are presented that can be applied for modeling of optical devices in cases where the problem can be formulated as a scattering problem. The methods are applied to study in three dimensions the effect of a cylindrical micro-lens on radiation emitted from a THz photoconductive antenna, and for studying the […]

IS03–Simulation of cascaded polarization-coupled systems of broad-area semiconductor lasers

Radziunas M., Montiel-Ponsoda J., Garre-Werner G., Raab V.

We present a brightness- and power-scalable polarization beam combining scheme for high-power, broad-area semiconductor lasers. To achieve the beam combining, we employ Lyot-filtered optical reinjection from an external cavity, which forces lasing of the individual diodes on interleaved frequency combs with overlapping envelopes and enables a high optical coupling efficiency. We demonstrate how repeatedly introduced […]

SC02–Analysis and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells by full opto-electronic simulation

Aeberhard U., Haeusermann R., Schiller A., Bluelle B., Ruhstaller B.

We present a comprehensive opto-electronic simulation framework for the computational analysis and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells, consisting of a combination of a multiscale optical model for the simultaneous consideration of interference in thin coatings and scattering at textured interfaces with a mixed electronic-ionic drift-diffusion transport model that captures the peculiarities of the geometries […]

N06–Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain

Akter N., Becerril-Gonzalez J.J., Oskam G., Pala N., Ares-Muzio O.

We report on the numerical and experimental study of the optical spectra of Mo-Al2O3 nanocomposites that were grown using sequential DC and RF sputtering. The measured spectra were compared with the ones calculated using FDTD simulations to analyze the prediction accuracy of the approach.

NM03–Electronic and Optical Properties of Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond Doped by Molybdenum Oxide: A Density Functional Theory Study

McGhee J., Georgiev V. P.

In this work we investigate the surface transfer doping process induced between a hydrogen-terminated (100) diamond and a metal oxide MoO3, using the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method. Using DFT, we have calculated the electronic and optical properties of the hydrogen-terminated diamond and established a link between the underlying electronic structure and the charge transfer […]

MM06–Tight binding parameterization through particle swarm optimization algorithm

Di Vito A., Pecchia A., Auf der Maur M., Di Carlo A.

The tight binding (TB) approach represents a good trade-off between accuracy and computational burden. For this reason, it is widely used for device simulations. However, a proper description of a physical system by means of TB requires an accurate parameterization of the Hamiltonian matrix elements (HME), that is usually done by fitting over suitable properties […]