SC04–Electro-optical modeling for the design of semitransparent mixed bromide-chloride PSCs

Rossi D., Matteocci F., Di Carlo A., Auf der Maur M.

UV-selective absorbing perovskites have attracted significant interest due to their potential applications in innovative fields, such as building integration photovoltaics. This appeal arises from the possibility to tune the bandgap by simply varying their crystal composition. In this work we present electro-optical simulations to study the effect of Cl doping in MAPb(Br1-xClx)3 based semi-transparent solar […]

NM11–Numerical Investigation of a Plasmonic Biosensor on Flexible Substrate

Sadik F., Choudhury S.

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based sensors are state of the art in bio-sensing. Here we numerically inspect a device that can induce SPR on the opposite side of planar metal films. The evanescent field of SPR can detect wide of refractive index with linear sensitivity. This device modeled on bendable PDMS substrate can launch SPR […]

D05–Enhanced dynamic properties of Ge-on-Si mode-evolution waveguide photodetectors

Palmieri A., Shafiee A., Alasio M. G. C., Tibaldi A., Ghione G., Bertazzi F., Goano M., Vallone M.

This work discusses coupled three-dimensional electromagnetic and electrical simulations of a Ge-on-Si waveguide photodetector where light is fed through a lateral waveguide. The numerical results show that this coupling solution leads to more uniform photon and carrier  distributions along the Ge absorber compared to a conventional butt-coupled detector, allowing a broader electrooptical bandwidth for high […]

PD02–S-shaped waveguide-induced asymmetry between counter-propagating modes in a racetrack resonator

Giannuzzi G., Ghillino E., Bardella P.

Ongoing progress in photonic integrated circuits necessitates the integration of semiconductor ring lasers (SRLs) with high performance and predictable behavior, which can be achieved when the symmetry of the SRL, which supports both clockwise and counterclockwise beam propagation, is unbalanced through loss mechanisms inside the resonator. In this work, numerical simulations were carried out on […]

LD08–Jitter Reduction of Mode-Locked Hybrid Silicon Laser With Intra Cavity Filter

Shekarpour M., Yavari M. H.

We study the influence of the intra-cavity ring on dynamics, phase noise and timing jitter of a long-ring-cavity colliding pulse mode-locked laser using a delay differential equation (DDE) model. The results of dynamic show that the intra-cavity filter can suppress harmonics of 2 GHz cavity. We also find a reduction of phase noise and timing […]

IS02–Shape Optimized Photonic Integrated Circuit for Optical Computing Applications

Gaullier G., Hassan K., Charbonnier B., Thonnart Y., Lebbe N., Gliere A.

Shape optimization techniques were quite recently applied to photonic components but to the best of our knowledge, no application to optical computing has been reported yet. Here, we present the design of a photonic integrated circuit, composed of shape optimized passive components, performing a matrix-vector product. A ≈ 2000 times gain on the overall footprint […]

SC06–Electrical modeling of heterojunction silicon solar cells including Indium-Tin-Oxide layers

Balent J., Krc J., Topic M.

In this contribution we performed opto-electrical simulations of heterojunction silicon (HJ Si) solar cell with Indium-Tin-Oxide layers included in simulations as front and rear contacts. Two-dimensional numerical simulations using Sentaurus TCAD software were carried out. We studied the effect of defect state density in p- and n-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon layers on device performance. Rigorous […]

N05–Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain

Vyshnevyy A. A., Fedyanin D. Yu.

We propose to pump active plasmonic devices, such as plasmonic amplifiers, lossless plasmonic waveguides and nanolasers, simultaneously electrically and optically (hybrid pumping). We show that such a pumping method results not only in a higher modal gain but also in an improved control over the spatial profile of optical gain in the device, which allows […]

NM02–Electronic structure of lonsdaleite SiGe alloys

Broderick C. A.

Conventional diamond-structured silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) possess indirect fundamental band gaps, limiting their potential for applications in light-emitting devices. However, SixGe1-x alloys grown in the lonsdaleite (“hexagonal diamond”) phase have recently emerged as a promising direct gap, Si-compatible material system, with experimental measurements demonstrating strong room temperature photoluminescence. When grown in the lonsdaleite phase, […]

MM01–Green’s function integral equation methods for modeling of optical devices

Søndergaard T.

Green’s function integral equation methods are presented that can be applied for modeling of optical devices in cases where the problem can be formulated as a scattering problem. The methods are applied to study in three dimensions the effect of a cylindrical micro-lens on radiation emitted from a THz photoconductive antenna, and for studying the […]

IS03–Simulation of cascaded polarization-coupled systems of broad-area semiconductor lasers

Radziunas M., Montiel-Ponsoda J., Garre-Werner G., Raab V.

We present a brightness- and power-scalable polarization beam combining scheme for high-power, broad-area semiconductor lasers. To achieve the beam combining, we employ Lyot-filtered optical reinjection from an external cavity, which forces lasing of the individual diodes on interleaved frequency combs with overlapping envelopes and enables a high optical coupling efficiency. We demonstrate how repeatedly introduced […]

SC02–Analysis and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells by full opto-electronic simulation

Aeberhard U., Haeusermann R., Schiller A., Bluelle B., Ruhstaller B.

We present a comprehensive opto-electronic simulation framework for the computational analysis and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells, consisting of a combination of a multiscale optical model for the simultaneous consideration of interference in thin coatings and scattering at textured interfaces with a mixed electronic-ionic drift-diffusion transport model that captures the peculiarities of the geometries […]

N06–Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain

Akter N., Becerril-Gonzalez J.J., Oskam G., Pala N., Ares-Muzio O.

We report on the numerical and experimental study of the optical spectra of Mo-Al2O3 nanocomposites that were grown using sequential DC and RF sputtering. The measured spectra were compared with the ones calculated using FDTD simulations to analyze the prediction accuracy of the approach.

NM03–Electronic and Optical Properties of Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond Doped by Molybdenum Oxide: A Density Functional Theory Study

McGhee J., Georgiev V. P.

In this work we investigate the surface transfer doping process induced between a hydrogen-terminated (100) diamond and a metal oxide MoO3, using the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method. Using DFT, we have calculated the electronic and optical properties of the hydrogen-terminated diamond and established a link between the underlying electronic structure and the charge transfer […]

MM06–Tight binding parameterization through particle swarm optimization algorithm

Di Vito A., Pecchia A., Auf der Maur M., Di Carlo A.

The tight binding (TB) approach represents a good trade-off between accuracy and computational burden. For this reason, it is widely used for device simulations. However, a proper description of a physical system by means of TB requires an accurate parameterization of the Hamiltonian matrix elements (HME), that is usually done by fitting over suitable properties […]

LD10–Dynamic properties of two-state lasing quantum dot laser for external optical feedback resistant applications

Duan J., Zhou Y., Huang H., Dong B., Wang C., Grillot F.

This work investigates the dynamics of two-state quantum dot lasers through semi-analytically solving a set of rate equations. Simulations reveal that the occurrence of excited state lasing reduces the damping factor of the laser while increases the linewidth enhancement factor associated to the ground state transition. These results are in good agreement with the experimental […]

IS04–Optoelectronic III-V nanowire implementation of a neural network in a shared waveguide

Winge D. O., Limpert S., Linke H., Borgstrom M. T., Webb B., Heinze S., Mikkelsen A.

Neural node components consisting of III-V nanowire devices are introduced. This allows for the construction of a small footprint specialized neural network. A broadcasting strategy is developed which removes the need for inter-node wiring. As a model system, an insect brain navigational circuit is chosen and successfully emulated using the introduced nodes and network architecture. […]

SC07–Interpretation of a capacitance in polycrystalline solar cells: time domain simulations

Wisniewski K.

In this work, we presented simulations of capacitance of polycrystalline solar cells using time-dependent calculations based on the finite element method. Our starting point was capacitance transient measurements of thin-film CIGS solar cells, which to this day, after twenty years of investigations, do not have the correct theoretical description. We showed, that there exists a […]

LD11–Influence of Coulomb Scattering on the Coupling between Longitudinal Modes in Nitride Laser Diodes

Kuhn E., Uhlig L., Wachs M., Schwarz U.T., Thränhardt A.

Due to their small separation of longitudinal modes, Fabry-Perot type laser diodes show rich mode competition effects. For example streak camera measurements show cyclic mode hopping, where the currently active longitudinal mode changes from lower to higher wavelengths. This effect can be explained by beating vibrations of the carrier densities in the quantum wells and […]

NM04–Atomistic analysis of band-to-band tunnelling in direct-gap GeSn group-IV alloys

Dunne M. D., Broderick C. A., Luisier M., O’Reilly E. P.

The emergence of a direct band gap in Ge1-xSnx alloys has stimulated interest in developing Ge1-xSnx alloys and nanostructures for applications in Si-compatible electronic and photonic devices. The direct band gap of Ge1-xSnx, combined with the strong band gap reduction associated with Sn incorporation, makes Ge1-xSnx a promising material system for the development of Si-compatible […]

MM05–Project Skeletons for Scientific Software

Riesch M., Haider M., Jirauschek C.

Although research relies heavily on software packages such as mathematical libraries or data analysis tools, efforts to provide high-quality scientific software are hardly rewarded. As a possible way out of this dilemma, project skeletons can be employed to accelerate software development while ensuring code quality. In this work, we review existing project skeletons and present […]

LD07–Thermal Characterization of the Birefringence of Nematic Liquid Crystals for the Design of Widely-tunable LC-VCSELs

Simaz A., Boisnard B., Camps T., Doucet J. B., Reig B., Tibaldi A., Debernardi P., Bardinal V.

In this work, the thermo-optical properties of nematic liquid crystals are investigated through localized reflectance spectra measurements performed on a tunable LC-filter. The final aim is to insert such LC in the cavity of a tunable VCSEL device, in which local self-heating due to optical or electrical pumping must be taken into account. We demonstrate […]

SC08–The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS): Understanding doping variations in silicon crystals

Kayser S., Rotundo N., Fuhrmann J., Dropka N., Farrell P.

The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS) can be used to detect undesired impurities which appear in silicon crystals during growth. Our goal is to make a digital twin of the LPS method. To this end, we replace inflexible blackbox code with a physics preserving finite volume discretization, confirming three theoretical results via a new simulation […]

LD12–Modeling Impact of Oxide Island on the Lasing of ARROW-VCSEL

Dems M., Wieckowska M.

We analyze the impact of a low-refractive antiresonant oxide island buried in a top VCSEL mirror on the lasing conditions of lateral modes of different orders. By performing comprehensive thermal, electrical, and optical numerical analysis of the VCSEL device, we show the impact of the size and location of the oxide island on the current […]

NM05–Simulation of electro optic modulators based on plasmonic directional couplers

Ghomashi M., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Vallone M., Goano M., Ghione G.

In this paper, a new concept and geometry are proposed for plasmonic modulators, whose operation is based on the coupling between two plasmonic slots. An electro-optic polymer is exploited as an active material, and the device can be implemented within a Silicon Photonics platform. The device operates at 1550nm wavelength, typical of data center or […]

MM04–Completely Positive Trace Preserving Methods for the Lindblad Equation

Riesch M., Pikl A., Jirauschek C.

The Lindblad master equation is a valuable tool in quantum mechanics, which describes the dynamics of open systems. In the scope of our research, it is combined with the one-dimensional Maxwell’s equations to form the generalized Maxwell-Bloch equations. Since analytical solutions are not available in the general case, numerical methods have to be employed to […]

LD06–Numerical Study of Optical Frequency Combs in mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers: Effective Semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch Equations

Silvestri C., Columbo L., Brambilla M., Gioannini M.

In this paper a theoretical model based on Effective Semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch Equations (ESMBEs) is proposed for the description of the dynamics of a multi-mode mid-Infrared (mid-IR) Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) in Fabry Perot (FP) configuration, in order to investigate the spontaneous generation of frequency combs in this device. In agreement with recent experimental results our […]

PD01–Nanophotonic optical phased arrays: opportunities and limitations

Cala’ Lesina A., Goodwill D., Bernier E., Ramunno L., Berini P.

Optical phased arrays can steer a beam without mechanical rotation, thus achieving a very rapid scanning rate. The core element of an optical phased array is the pixel (unit cell) and its ability to control the phase and amplitude of the emitted/scattered light. We discuss the role of nanophotonics in achieving pixels that are small […]