D02–Photon Detection Efficiency simulation of InGaAs/InP SPAD

Signorelli F., Telesca F., Tosi A.

We present a comprehensive simulation flow for the estimation of photon detection efficiency as a function of wavelength in InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) at low temperature. We introduce a joint modelling of electrical and optical properties for SPAD detectors. We also highlight how accurately different parameters have to be calibrated in order to achieve […]

LD10–Dynamic properties of two-state lasing quantum dot laser for external optical feedback resistant applications

Duan J., Zhou Y., Huang H., Dong B., Wang C., Grillot F.

This work investigates the dynamics of two-state quantum dot lasers through semi-analytically solving a set of rate equations. Simulations reveal that the occurrence of excited state lasing reduces the damping factor of the laser while increases the linewidth enhancement factor associated to the ground state transition. These results are in good agreement with the experimental […]

IS04–Optoelectronic III-V nanowire implementation of a neural network in a shared waveguide

Winge D. O., Limpert S., Linke H., Borgstrom M. T., Webb B., Heinze S., Mikkelsen A.

Neural node components consisting of III-V nanowire devices are introduced. This allows for the construction of a small footprint specialized neural network. A broadcasting strategy is developed which removes the need for inter-node wiring. As a model system, an insect brain navigational circuit is chosen and successfully emulated using the introduced nodes and network architecture. […]

SC07–Interpretation of a capacitance in polycrystalline solar cells: time domain simulations

Wisniewski K.

In this work, we presented simulations of capacitance of polycrystalline solar cells using time-dependent calculations based on the finite element method. Our starting point was capacitance transient measurements of thin-film CIGS solar cells, which to this day, after twenty years of investigations, do not have the correct theoretical description. We showed, that there exists a […]

LD11–Influence of Coulomb Scattering on the Coupling between Longitudinal Modes in Nitride Laser Diodes

Kuhn E., Uhlig L., Wachs M., Schwarz U.T., Thränhardt A.

Due to their small separation of longitudinal modes, Fabry-Perot type laser diodes show rich mode competition effects. For example streak camera measurements show cyclic mode hopping, where the currently active longitudinal mode changes from lower to higher wavelengths. This effect can be explained by beating vibrations of the carrier densities in the quantum wells and […]

MM05–Project Skeletons for Scientific Software

Riesch M., Haider M., Jirauschek C.

Although research relies heavily on software packages such as mathematical libraries or data analysis tools, efforts to provide high-quality scientific software are hardly rewarded. As a possible way out of this dilemma, project skeletons can be employed to accelerate software development while ensuring code quality. In this work, we review existing project skeletons and present […]

NM04–Atomistic analysis of band-to-band tunnelling in direct-gap GeSn group-IV alloys

Dunne M. D., Broderick C. A., Luisier M., O’Reilly E. P.

The emergence of a direct band gap in Ge1-xSnx alloys has stimulated interest in developing Ge1-xSnx alloys and nanostructures for applications in Si-compatible electronic and photonic devices. The direct band gap of Ge1-xSnx, combined with the strong band gap reduction associated with Sn incorporation, makes Ge1-xSnx a promising material system for the development of Si-compatible […]

LD07–Thermal Characterization of the Birefringence of Nematic Liquid Crystals for the Design of Widely-tunable LC-VCSELs

Simaz A., Boisnard B., Camps T., Doucet J. B., Reig B., Tibaldi A., Debernardi P., Bardinal V.

In this work, the thermo-optical properties of nematic liquid crystals are investigated through localized reflectance spectra measurements performed on a tunable LC-filter. The final aim is to insert such LC in the cavity of a tunable VCSEL device, in which local self-heating due to optical or electrical pumping must be taken into account. We demonstrate […]

SC08–The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS): Understanding doping variations in silicon crystals

Kayser S., Rotundo N., Fuhrmann J., Dropka N., Farrell P.

The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS) can be used to detect undesired impurities which appear in silicon crystals during growth. Our goal is to make a digital twin of the LPS method. To this end, we replace inflexible blackbox code with a physics preserving finite volume discretization, confirming three theoretical results via a new simulation […]

LD12–Modeling Impact of Oxide Island on the Lasing of ARROW-VCSEL

Dems M., Wieckowska M.

We analyze the impact of a low-refractive antiresonant oxide island buried in a top VCSEL mirror on the lasing conditions of lateral modes of different orders. By performing comprehensive thermal, electrical, and optical numerical analysis of the VCSEL device, we show the impact of the size and location of the oxide island on the current […]

MM04–Completely Positive Trace Preserving Methods for the Lindblad Equation

Riesch M., Pikl A., Jirauschek C.

The Lindblad master equation is a valuable tool in quantum mechanics, which describes the dynamics of open systems. In the scope of our research, it is combined with the one-dimensional Maxwell’s equations to form the generalized Maxwell-Bloch equations. Since analytical solutions are not available in the general case, numerical methods have to be employed to […]

NM05–Simulation of electro optic modulators based on plasmonic directional couplers

Ghomashi M., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Vallone M., Goano M., Ghione G.

In this paper, a new concept and geometry are proposed for plasmonic modulators, whose operation is based on the coupling between two plasmonic slots. An electro-optic polymer is exploited as an active material, and the device can be implemented within a Silicon Photonics platform. The device operates at 1550nm wavelength, typical of data center or […]

LD06–Numerical Study of Optical Frequency Combs in mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers: Effective Semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch Equations

Silvestri C., Columbo L., Brambilla M., Gioannini M.

In this paper a theoretical model based on Effective Semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch Equations (ESMBEs) is proposed for the description of the dynamics of a multi-mode mid-Infrared (mid-IR) Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) in Fabry Perot (FP) configuration, in order to investigate the spontaneous generation of frequency combs in this device. In agreement with recent experimental results our […]

PD01–Nanophotonic optical phased arrays: opportunities and limitations

Cala’ Lesina A., Goodwill D., Bernier E., Ramunno L., Berini P.

Optical phased arrays can steer a beam without mechanical rotation, thus achieving a very rapid scanning rate. The core element of an optical phased array is the pixel (unit cell) and its ability to control the phase and amplitude of the emitted/scattered light. We discuss the role of nanophotonics in achieving pixels that are small […]

SC09–Quasi-3D Optimization of Grid Architecture for Photovoltaic Converters Using Solcore

Nikander V., Wei J., Aho A., Polojarvi V., Tukiainen A., Guina M.

Numerical study of metal front contacts grid spacing for photovoltaic (PV) devices is presented with application to PV converter of relatively small size. The model is constructed based on the open source Solcore Python library. A three-step-process is developed to create a hybrid quasi-3D model. The optimal grid spacing was simulated at different temperatures to […]

IS06–Hybrid Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuits: Hybrid FET-LET SRAM

Pal A., Zhang Y., Yau D. D.

High speed, low power, low leakage, and low noise circuits are extremely essential for modern VLSI chips. Since on-chip cache memories consume appreciable amount of the total chip area and energy, high performance and low power Static Random-Access Memories (SRAMs) are needed for high performance and low power electronic systems. A hybrid FET-LET 6T SRAM, […]

D01–Challenges in multiphysics modeling of dual-band HgCdTe infrared detectors

Vallone M., Goano M., Tibaldi A., Hanna S., Eich D., Sieck A., Figgemeier F., Ghione G., Bertazzi F.

We present three-dimensional simulations of HgCdTe-based focal plane arrays (FPAs) with two-color and dual-band sequential infrared pixels having realistic truncated-pyramid shape taking into account the presence of compositionally-graded transition layers. Simulations emphasize the importance of a full-wave approach to the electromagnetic problem, and the evaluations of the optical and diffusive contribution to inter-pixel crosstalk indicate […]

MM03–Comparison of Scharfetter-Gummel Schemes for (Non-)Degenerate Semiconductor Device Simulation

Abdel D., Fuhrmann J., Farrell P.

We consider Voronoi finite volume schemes for the discretization of the van Roosbroeck system and pay particular attention to the choice of flux approximations. The classical Scharfetter-Gummel scheme yields a thermodynamically consistent numerical flux, but cannot be used for general charge carrier statistics.We compare and analyze aspects of two state-of-the-art modified Scharfetter-Gummel schemes to simulate […]

LED02–Luminescence and Internal Quantum Efficiency of Deep UV Light Emitting Diodes

Roemer F., Witzigmann B.

Deep ultraviolet (DUV) light emitting diodes (LED) made of Aluminium Gallium Nitride (AlGaN) are increasingly considered as light sources for medical as well as material processing applications. Recent research on AlGaN DUV LEDs focuses on the enhancement of the efficiency. The efficiency of AlGaN LEDs is limited by a low hole injection efficiency and TM-polarized […]

LD05–Optical Design Issues in Electrically Pumped Tunable Liquid-Crystal VCSELs

Simaz A., Tibaldi A., Boisnard B., Camps T., Bertazzi F., Goano M., Reig B., Doucet J. B., Bardinal V., Debernardi P.

In this work we investigate a tunable 850nm laser based on a hybrid combination of a liquid crystal micro-cell and a half GaAs VCSEL. The target application is optical coherence tomography. The inherent tolerances of the hybrid technology, the presence of metals in the cavity and the need for a pure extraordinary mode lasing make […]

N04–Silicon-Integrated Red-Light Optical Gain Medium Based on BGaAs/GaP Quantum Wells

Maczko H. S., Kudrawiec R., Gladysiewicz M.

In this study we present BGaAs/GaP quantum well (QW) structures integrated with GaP/Si virtual substrate as a promising structure for applications requiring red-light optical gain media. Gain spectra are computed based on an 8-band k · p model with an envelope function approximation and Fermi’s Golden Rule. An emission of red light of wavelengths from […]

SC10–Plasmonic enhancement of light-harvesting efficiency in Perovskite solar cells embedding Ag nanorods

Xiao P., Li T., Zhu Y., Liu Q., Ma Y., Wei Q., Kuang Y.

Perovskite solar cells have attracted great attention in recent years due to its advantageous features including low production cost. Incorporation of plasmonic metal nanocrystals is a promising approach for broadening and enhancing the light harvesting of Perovskite solar cells. In this paper, we report a facile and versatile route to tune the photoresponse of perovskite […]

PD08–Supercontinuum generation with superior intrapulsecoherence in dispersion-tailored waveguides

Mei C., Steinmeyer G.

Intrapulse coherence is an important performance metric for applications of supercontinua, including precision frequency metrology and attosecond science. These applications require a stable carrier-envelope phase, which is usually measured by f–2f interferometry. Here, the potential for superior intrapulse coherence with 100 and 400-fs input pulses is studied, exploiting different dispersion profiles. The simulation results in […]

D03–Numerical Optimization of Quantum Cascade Detector Heterostructures

Popp J., Haider M., Franckie M., Faist J., Jirauschek C.

We demonstrate a Bayesian optimization framework for quantum cascade (QC) devices in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) and terahertz (THz) regime. The optimization algorithm is based on Gaussian process regression (GPR) and the devices are evaluated using a perturbed rate equation approach based on scattering rates calculated self-consistently by Fermi’s golden rule or alternatively extracted from an […]

MM02–Connecting numerical simulation and machine learning: How to bridge the gap between theory and reality?

Piprek J.

Machine learning and numerical simulation represent opposite approaches to computational analysis of the real world, inductive vs. deductive. However, both methods suffer from various uncertainties and even their combination often fails to link theory and reality. This paper presents a critical review of such connections and proposes improvement options for optoelectronic devices.

LED03–Modeling of multi-electrode tapered quantum-dot superluminescent diode

Forrest A. F., Cataluna M. A., Krakowski M., Bardella P.

We introduce a rate equation based numerical model suitable for the description of the wide spectral asymmetry experimentally observed at the two facets of multi-electrode tapered superluminescent diode based on Quantum Dot material. Numerical simulations carried out with this model were able to quantitatively reproduce the behavior of a two-section SLD and explain the reported […]

LD04–Modeling Tunnel Junctions for VCSELs: A Self-Consistent NEGF-DD Approach

Tibaldi A., Gullino A., Gonzalez Montoya J., Alasio M. G. C., Larsson A., Debernardi P., Goano M., Vallone M., Ghione G., Bellotti E., Bertazzi F.

In this work we investigate carrier transport in tunnel junctions for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers by a novel self-consistent simulation framework for semiconductor quantum devices. Based on a Poisson-drift-diffusion foundation, in this approach quantum features are described through a nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism. The simulator is validated through a comparison with experimental results.

NM01–Ferrimagnetic garnets for integrated non-reciprocal devices

Veis M., Beran L., Tazlaru S., Fakhrul T., Zhang Yan, Ross C. A.

Ferrimagnetic garnets are promising materials for applications in integrated non-reciprocal devices due to their low optical absorption and relatively large magneto-optical response at telecommunication wavelengths. However, their implementation into phonotic chips is rather difficult due to large lattice parameters and thermal expansion mismatch with common photonic substrates. In this talk, we present our latest progress […]

PD06–A Study on the Design of Integrated-Optic Biosensor based on the Power Coupling of Two Modes utilizing Si3N4 Rib-Optical Waveguides

Jung H.

We proposed an integrated-optical biosensor configuration that operates at a wavelength of 0.63 μm based on the evanescent-wave and lateral two-mode power coupling of Si3N4 rib-optical waveguides formed on a Si/SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 multilayer thin films. The coupling between the two propagating modes in the sensing region produces a periodically repeated optical power exchange along the propagation. […]