Nanostructures6 Videos

N04–Silicon-Integrated Red-Light Optical Gain Medium Based on BGaAs/GaP Quantum Wells

Maczko H. S., Kudrawiec R., Gladysiewicz M.

In this study we present BGaAs/GaP quantum well (QW) structures integrated with GaP/Si virtual substrate as a promising structure for applications requiring red-light optical gain media. Gain spectra are computed based on an 8-band k · p model with an envelope function approximation and Fermi’s Golden Rule. An emission of red light of wavelengths from […]

N05–Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain

Vyshnevyy A. A., Fedyanin D. Yu.

We propose to pump active plasmonic devices, such as plasmonic amplifiers, lossless plasmonic waveguides and nanolasers, simultaneously electrically and optically (hybrid pumping). We show that such a pumping method results not only in a higher modal gain but also in an improved control over the spatial profile of optical gain in the device, which allows […]

N06–Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain

Akter N., Becerril-Gonzalez J.J., Oskam G., Pala N., Ares-Muzio O.

We report on the numerical and experimental study of the optical spectra of Mo-Al2O3 nanocomposites that were grown using sequential DC and RF sputtering. The measured spectra were compared with the ones calculated using FDTD simulations to analyze the prediction accuracy of the approach.

N01–Quantum corrections to the efficiency of solar cells with conductive nanostructured layers

David C.

It was shown in many experiments that the incorporation of metallic nanostructures into photovoltaic devices results in the enhancement of solar cell efficiency. Most simulations of such devices are based on classical electrodynamics and neglect quantum effects arising from nanosized metallic structures. Here, we look at nonlocal electron-electron interactions, Lorentz friction and strong coupling of […]

N02–Nucleation chronology and electronic properties of In(As,Sb,P) graded-composition quantum dots

Marquardt O., Boeck T., Trampert A., Gambaryan K. M.

We have studied nucleation process and electronic properties of graded-composition quantum dots(GCQDs) grown from In-As-Sb-P in the liquid phase for application in mid-infrared devices like photoresistors or photoconductive cells. The GCQD ensemble exhibits diameters of 10 – 120 nm and heights of 2 – 20 nm. Compositional grading is a typical feature of quantum dots […]

N03–A Bi quantum film potential as an inverse problem

Thränhardt A., Teichert F., Kuhn E.

Experiments generally only offer access to certain output parameters or spectra. When performing device simulations, we often assume that agreement of theoretical and experimental output means that the model describes the device well. However, this conclusion is by no means mandatory. Here, we show an example of a Bi quantum film where measurements show equidistant […]