Riesch M.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany


MM04–Completely Positive Trace Preserving Methods for the Lindblad Equation

Riesch M., Pikl A., Jirauschek C.

The Lindblad master equation is a valuable tool in quantum mechanics, which describes the dynamics of open systems. In the scope of our research, it is combined with the one-dimensional Maxwell’s equations to form the generalized Maxwell-Bloch equations. Since analytical solutions are not available in the general case, numerical methods have to be employed to […]

MM05–Project Skeletons for Scientific Software

Riesch M., Haider M., Jirauschek C.

Although research relies heavily on software packages such as mathematical libraries or data analysis tools, efforts to provide high-quality scientific software are hardly rewarded. As a possible way out of this dilemma, project skeletons can be employed to accelerate software development while ensuring code quality. In this work, we review existing project skeletons and present […]